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Blue Sky Natural Soda As Low As $.54 Per Can On Amazon!


Trying to overhaul bad habits can be really difficult and overwhelming to do all at once, but small changes over time can really make a difference and are easier to stick to.  My husband, Chris, and I have decided to take the gradual approach to changing habits, and so far, so good 🙂

One of the first things we chose to change was the intake of aspartame, a popular sweetener in soda that has been heavily linked to cancer.  I’m not a big soda drinker anyway, but Chris could down several Diet Cokes in one day!

I found Blue Sky Natural Soda at our local Whole Foods and we were hooked.  Chris, who tends to be very picky, actually makes special trips to the PCC by our house to buy a 6-pack for a special treat.

So what is so different about Blue Sky Natural Soda?  There are several varieties of Blue Sky Natural Soda: Sweetened with Stevia, Sweetened with Real Sugar, and Sweetened with Real Sugar (Organic).  I love looking at the ingredient list (which is usually only 4-5 ingredients) and knowing what each ingredient is.

We have tried all three varieties in multiple flavors and they are all delicious!  Our very favorite is the Creamy Root Beer Sweetened with Real Sugar, but they are all yummy!

Anyway, I’ve found that the best price in stores locally is $.65 per can at our local PCC.  However, on Amazon, they can be as low as $.54 per can!  Here are a few varieties and their prices:

All of these ship for free!  Subscribe & Save items always ship free, and the others ship free with Amazon Prime.

Don’t have Prime 2-Day Shipping?  You can sign up for a FREE trial of Amazon Student or Amazon Mom to try it out!

Note: Amazon prices change frequently.  Be sure to check the price at checkout before purchasing.

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