So if you’ve read my previous posts about the Honest Company, you know I’m a big fan! Now, they might not be the most frugal products, but I love not having to worry about the ingredients and how they affect my family. Plus, they have a great referral program ($20 when a friend makes their first purchase!), so that definitely helps!
One of my favorite products is the Shampoo + Body Wash. I’ve been using it for 2 months now, and I’m hooked! My hair had to go through a detox period for about 2 weeks when I stopped using traditional shampoo and conditioner, but now, it actually looks better and is easier to manage than I can ever remember it being. And with this shampoo, I only condition every few days. I love it!
Plus, it’s a body wash, too. So less products to buy and less clutter in my shower. Another bonus? It’s tear-free and extremely gentle. I use it on my almost 2-year-old and plan on using it with my newborn (if she ever decides to leave the womb! Today, she is 1 week past due! Grr!)
Anyway, I recently discovered that Costco is now selling the Honest Company Shampoo + Body Wash at all US stores for a lot less than the price on the website! (If you haven’t seen it in your store yet, call ahead and ask when they will be getting it in. The Costco Facebook page confirmed that all US stores will be selling it).
Here is the cost break down:
From Honest.com (not bundled) = $9.95 for an 8.5 ounce bottle = $1.17/ounce
From Honest.com (bundled – 5 products of your choice for $35.95) = each product costs $7.19 = $.85/ounce
From Costco (2 – 17 ounce bottles) = $14.99 = $.44/ounce!
So buying from Costco is clearly a better choice price-wise, unless you have credits to the Honest Company to use up. I still plan on buying my conditioner and other products with the Bundle plan directly from the Honest Company, but it’s nice to have a cheaper option for buying the Shampoo + Body Wash, especially since we use it so much!
As a side note, besides the Shampoo + Body Wash, I’ve tried the dishwasher gel, dishwasher pods, bubble bath, conditioner, laundry soap, wipes, diapers, hand soap, and healing balm, and love them all!
If you want to try out the Honest Company products before buying full-sized bottles, you can still sign up for the Free Trial Bundle for a limited time! Just pay $5.95 s&h!
The trial bundles include the following:
Trial Size Honest Shampoo + Body Wash, Lotion, Laundry Detergent, Healing Balm, Hand Soap, and sample Diapers and Wipes to try.
Please note that by ordering the sample or regular bundles, you are enrolling in a monthly subscription of Honest Company Products. However, you can cancel at anytime. If you order the regular bundles, simply cancel the next order before it ships (shipping date will be in your account information). If you order the free bundles, cancel within 7 days of receiving your sample kit, and you will not be charged anything.
Also, if you refer a friend, you can earn $20 towards your next purchase!
Tip: When deals like this come up and require enrolling in a subscription program, I always add an event in the calendar on my phone with the customer service number and set the reminder for a few days before the last day to cancel. This allows me to try deals without worry of forgetting to cancel!
