Update: Don’t want to have to sign in and check if the retailer you want to purchase from has a cash back offer through Ebates? Install the FREE Ebates Button on your web browser and it will show you what the cash back offer is for any site you are on! That makes it so much easier!
People often ask me how I save money on my online purchases. One of the biggest ways I save money is by shopping through Ebates. Here’s how it works:
Before I shop at a particular site, I sign into my Ebates account to see if they offer cash back on that particular retailer. If there is an offer, I simply click on the link to that retailer through my Ebates account, complete my purchase, and receive a particular percentage of my purchase price back into my Ebates account. And after I’ve received at least $20 in my account, I can request a check or have it sent to my PayPal account!
So here’s an example:
Let’s say I want to buy some things at Nordstrom.com for $100. I would sign into Ebates and check if Ebates offers cash back for purchases at Nordstrom.com. They do! I can earn 5% cash back. I simply click on the link and am redirected to Nordstrom.com. I purchase the items I was already going to buy and receive $5 (which is 5% of $100) into my Ebates account. It’s that simple!
There are thousands of retailers offering cash back through Ebates, so make sure to check Ebates before completing any online purchases. Why not earn back some of the money you’re already spending?!
Plus, some retailers offer special coupon savings through Ebates in addition to the cash back you will earn!
Want to sign up for Ebates? Go here and sign up. Then share your personal link to earn $10 for each friend who signs up and makes a purchase!
Happy Savings!
