With a 20-month-old daughter, we’ve finally entered the realm of making gifts for others! I’m so excited!
When I was a child, this was a big part of my life. I was homeschooled for most of elementary school and my mom made arts/crafts/home economics a big part of our curriculum. Each December, we would take a break from the normal school subjects and only focus on making Christmas gifts for friends and family, baking Christmas treats and other crafting projects. One year we sewed Christmas ornaments out of felt to give as gifts. Another year we sewed little velvet drawstring bags and embossed them with rubber stamps (check out this tutorial to see what I’m talking about). My mom has continued this tradition of making gifts each Christmas for the ladies in the family by making Home-Made Vanilla Extract, wooden trivets, etc. I want to be like her!
This past week was my dad’s birthday, or Pops, as my daughter calls him (we will call my daughter C on the blog for privacy reasons). We decided to have her make him something special for his birthday and chose a painting project using a canvas board and painter’s tape.
Let me take a second to say, this is definitely not my own original idea! I’ve seen this craft all over Pinterest, so I’m not trying to take ownership of it or anything. We even made one for my husband for Father’s Day last year after seeing it on Pinterest.
I had all the supplies for this project already, but I will outline the supplies and cost breakdown at the end of this post.
Anyway, I first taped off the message we wanted to show up on the canvas using blue painter’s tape. You could put whatever message you want, or another design or outline. After I taped off the message, I went back and rounded a few corners with scissors.

Next, I put C in the bathtub, and put drops of coordinating paint colors on the canvas. Just remember that the colors will mix, so make sure they will mix well!
I gave C a couple sponges to help her spread the paint around easier. She loved it!
Note: I used Acrylic paints because I wanted it to stay on the canvas well, but if you wanted to use fingerpaints, I’m sure that would work as well. I just made sure to wash C off well right afterwards. And Acrylics are water-based, so they came off easily.

Once the canvas was all covered in paint, we let it dry before taking the tape off.

Here is the finished product!

Pops loved it, and C had a great time making it!
Like I said before, I already had all of the supplies, but here is a breakdown of the cost if I didn’t have them:
Pack of 3 Canvas Boards – $7
Two Bottles of Acrylic Paint – $4
Painter’s Tape – $4/roll
These prices are estimates based on the stores I purchased at, but could definitely be lower with coupons or sales, depending on the store.
So overall, you could make 3 of these gifts for less than $5 each!
