Last week, I began a series called “Smartphone Apps That Make Life Easier.” This series focuses on smartphone apps that make our lives easier, whether that’s through saving time, saving money, making money, simplifying our lives, etc.
The first app I highlighted was Notifications For Craigslist, which has saved me money many times! You can check out all the details here.
This next app has the potential to simplify the dreaded task of grocery shopping.

Grocery iQ makes putting together a shopping list easy, and automatically connects you with coupons all in the same app. Now, this isn’t an app where you simply type in your shopping list, although you definitely can do that. But you can also scan the barcode of the item in your pantry you want to add to the list! I love this feature! When I notice something in my cupboard is running low, I just scan it and save it to my list for later. It only takes a second.
If an item doesn’t have a barcode, simply type it in. The app will auto-suggest what it thinks you are typing, and most times, it’s right. You can also input details like quantity, brand, etc.
I also like that the app organizes your list by categories, like Dairy or Produce. You can rearrange or change these categories as well. I like to rearrange the categories by the general layout of the store I usually shop at. This way my time spent in the store is much more productive.
And you can make multiple lists for each store you might shop at. When I go grocery shopping, I tend to have to go to several places to get everything I need, so I like being able to have individual lists for each store so everything is streamlined.
Other features include being able to:
Sync your lists between devices
Email your list to yourself or others
Organize items by aisle
Add favorite or frequently purchased items
Print coupons directly from your phone or email them to yourself to print later
Update on the computer or from cell phones, iPads and more.
The very best part? Grocery iQ is FREE for both Android and iPhone!
